Sunday, August 10, 2014

Just a Dream?

So, I'm sitting in my chair, every man seems to have a "chair" even if it's the floor or couch. That spot where he chooses to sit 99% of the time. As I say there I sat preparing to watch the Cleveland Browns first preseason game. Now I know many people are excited to watch said game but I was just killing time. Just trying to stay awake as long as possible into the wee hours because recently I started working Midnight to 8:00 a.m. and attempting not to get too far away from those hours during the weekend.

Back to the game. As exciting as the first preseason game is I found myself becoming drowsy. Jim Donovan is one of the announcers. I don't know Jim personally but if I had to make a guess I would say he is one of those people who gets too excited over things that just aren't that exciting, probably spits when he talks, and can't get the words out fast enough before another idea has popped into his head. Because of this he often is wrong on the play by play. Now remember I said I was getting drowsy so where reality & dream meet I can't really draw that line, all I know is Jim says "first down" and I'm thinking can't be a first down because the guy doesn't have the ball, now I make a comment about the guy being an idiot and my Dad gets up & moves closer to the T.V. trying to see if it's a fumble. Here I drop off into a deep sleep and am no longer aware of the game.

When I awake I replay all I've just experienced in my head and I think to myself, thanks for the visit Dad, tomorrow would have been your 89th. birthday. Dad passed away 24 years ago, and while I do miss him & think of him from time to time, it's not often I watch a Browns game with him.  

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